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custom_stats() is used to create a collection of statistics from unsupported functions to add to a list via add_stats().


custom_stats(method, statistics)



A string specifying the method used to obtain the statistics.


A vector of statistics created with custom_stat().


custom_stats() supports adding a single statistic or a group of statistics. Multiple groups of statistics are not (yet) supported.


# Example: BIC Bayes factor (approx.)
# Run the analysis
lm1 <- lm(Fertility ~ ., data = swiss)
lm2 <- update(lm1, . ~ . - Examination)

BF10 <- 1 / exp((BIC(lm2) - BIC(lm1)) / 2)

# Create the custom statistics
BIC_BFs <- custom_stats(
  method = "BIC Bayes factor",
  statistics = c(
    custom_stat(name = "BF", value = BF10, subscript = "10"),
    custom_stat(name = "BF", value = 1 / BF10, subscript = "01")

# Create an empty list
statistics <- list()

# Add the custom statistics to the list
statistics <- add_stats(statistics, BIC_BFs)