This page contains a list of all functions supported by tidystats.
Note that if a function is not yet supported, you can request support
for it by creating an issue on
GitHub or by using the custom_stats()
function. See the
for more information.
Packages and supported functions
- generalTestBF()
- lmBF()
- regressionBF()
- ttestBF()
- anovaBF()
- correlationBF()
- contingencyTableBF()
- proportionBF()
- meta.ttestBF()
- anova()
- ansari.test()
- aov()
- bartlett.test()
- binom.test()
- Box.test()
- chisq.test()
- confint()
- cor.test()
- fisher.test()
- fligner.test()
- friedman.test()
- glm()
- kruskal.test()
- ks.test()
- lm()
- mantelhaen.test()
- mauchly.test()
- mcnemar.test()
- mood.test()
- oneway.test()
- pairwise.t.test()
- pairwise.prop.test()
- pairwise.wilcox.test()
- poisson.test()
- PP.test()
- prop.test()
- prop.trend.test()
- quade.test()
- shapiro.test()
- t.test()
- var.test()
- wilcox.test()